The name of the Club shall be The Jack
Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain.
a) To promote and preserve the true working terrier known
as The Jack Russell.
b) To write and apply a breed standard.
c) To oppose influence by any organisation or persons whose
actions may result in practices considered to be detrimental
to the Jack Russell Terrier and its future.
d) To protect the Jack Russell Terrier as a true working
terrier and to preserve the rights of the working terrier
enthusiast to work the terrier in the traditional manner.
e) To encourage lawful and humane terrier work and to educate
newcomers to the world of the working terrier.
f) History has shown Kennel Club recognition to be detrimental
to the physical structure and working capabilities of a variety
of working breeds. Therefore this club is opposed to Kennel
Club recognition of the Jack Russell Terrier.
The number of members shall be unlimited and shall be open
to all persons who shall agree upon enrolment to abide by
the constitution and byelaws of The
Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain. Such membership
to be granted under the following headings:
a) Single Adult membership (aged 16 years and over).
b) Family membership (to include junior members under 16years
of age).
c) Honorary Life membership.
d) Overseas membership.
The Club reserves the right to refuse membership.
(Terms may be reviewed annually at the AGM upon recommendation
from the National Committee). The subscription for each class
of member shall be as follows:
a) Single Adult membership: 100% per annum.
b) Family membership: 150% per annum.
c) Overseas membership: 200% per annum.
d) Honorary Life membership may be granted by a two-thirds
majority vote of members present at an AGM upon recommendation
of the National Committee.
e) The annual subscription shall be due on the first day
of January each year. Any member failing to pay within three
months of this date shall be deemed to have terminated her/his
f) The Club to receive towards its funds from each regional
treasurer a proportion of member’s subscriptions as
Adult member – 75% Life member – Nil Family member
– 75%
Overseas member – 100% (Overseas memberships are payable
direct to National Secretary who will forward payment on to
National Treasurer).
g) The end of the Financial Year shall be 31st August.
h) Any member deemed as acting in a manner likely to be detrimental
to The Jack Russell Terrier, this Club or its members, may
have their membership terminated following an enquiry as per
Rule 5 by a majority decision of the National Committee.
The member or members will be notified in writing at least
21 days before the enquiry takes place on the pending termination
of membership, outlining the reasons for the enquiry, allowing
the member or members to present a response in writing at
least 7 days before the enquiry, or by appearing before the
National Committee. The member or members will be notified
in writing of the outcome within 7 days of the enquiry taking
place. An appeal can be lodged with the National Committee
in writing within 21 days of the enquiry or requesting a personal
appearance before the National Committee.
The Officers of the Club shall consist of a Chairperson (who
has held a national or regional office for a full term of
one year), a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a
Publicity Officer, a Magazine Officer, a Breed Records Officer,
a National Show Manager, a Sales Officer and a Stud Book and
Prefix Officer. The Officers of the Club shall be appointed
by a members majority ballot vote at the Annual General Meeting.
No postal or proxy vote allowed.
a) The affairs of the Club shall be managed by an elected
committee to be known as the National Committee. This National
Committee shall consist of the above officers as Rule 6, plus
elected representatives from each region. Each Region shall
be entitled to elect at their own AGM two delegates for up
to 100 members plus one extra delegate for membership over
100 within its own region, to serve upon the National Committee.
Two further representatives may be elected as substitutes.
Such delegates to retire each year but may be available for
re-election. All such delegates to be duly elected members
of their regional committee.
b) If a temporary officer vacancy occurs on the National
Committee by virtue of death, resignation, suspension or expulsion
of a member then the National Committee shall have the power
to appoint a person from the National Committee to fill that
vacancy until the next AGM.
c) In the event of a vacancy for Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson
shall fill the vacancy until the next AGM, at which time a
new Chairperson shall be elected as per Rule 7.
d) In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson
shall automatically take the Chair and, in the absence of
both officers, a member shall be elected from among those
present to act as Chairperson for that one meeting only.
e) The President (non-voting) shall be an honorary post,
bi-annually, in appreciation of outstanding services to the
Club, or being a person of such prominence as to enhance the
promotion and goodwill of the Club. In the event of the Presidency
becoming vacant, the vacancy may be filled from nominees submitted
by the National Committee and accepted by a two-thirds majority
vote of the members present at the following AGM.
f) Non-attendance – If any member of the National Committee
shall be absent from three consecutive meetings she/he shall
be asked for an explanation and, if not acceptable to the
National Committee, she/he shall be deemed to have resigned
from office.
g) Meetings –The Committee shall meet as often as may
be necessary but not less than three times between each AGM.
Such meetings shall be called by the Secretary upon direction
from the Chairperson.
h) Decisions Binding – Any decision of the Committee
within the scope of its duties or powers shall be final and
binding on all members, providing that such decision is lawful,
conducive to the objectives of the Club and does not infringe
upon or negate the constitutional rules of the Club.
i) The quorum for a meeting of the National Committee shall
be 10 including the Officers.
j) The National Committee is responsible for producing list
of approved judges suitable for overseas appointments.
a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting to be held on
a Sunday in November each year. Attendance at the AGM shall
be restricted to fully paid up members of the club and invited
guests who shall be at the discretion of the Chairperson.
No membership applications will be processed at the AGM. The
purpose of the meeting being for the presentation of the National
Accounts, National and Regional Officers’ reports, the
election of officers of the National Committee and the election
of the National Show Judge for the ensuing year, and to discuss
motions as described in Rule 8d).
b) Not more than 15 calendar months shall elapse between
each AGM.
c) The National Secretary shall notify all members of the
Club stating date, place and time of such meeting and requesting
such nominations for vacancies on the National Committee.
Proposals will be taken from the floor.
d) Motions for the agenda duly signed by the proposer and
seconder must be received by the Secretary at least 7 days
prior to the meeting. No motion may be tabled in absence of
mover unless the mover has nominated in writing to the Secretary
a member to speak on her/his behalf. Motions for “any
other business” will be taken from the floor at the
start of the meeting. No further motions will be taken after
this time, unless they are relevant to prior business already
discussed at the meeting.
e) Special General Meeting may be summoned at any time at
reasonable notice specified by the National Committee, or
must be called with the permission of the Chairperson by the
National Secretary, if summoned to do so in writing, by not
less than 20 members of the Club. Such meeting to deal only
with the business specified in the request.
f) Voting at a General Meeting shall be confined to fully
paid up adult members of the Club, of not less than 3 months
standing, each of whom shall have one vote. In the case of
a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote. A majority
vote shall be sufficient for all ordinary motions put to a
meeting but alterations or amendments to the constitutional
rules must receive a majority of two thirds of the members
present. Members entitled to vote, but not attending a General
Meeting, shall be bound by the decisions of that meeting.
g) The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 20 members;
no motion shall be put to a meeting attended by less than
that number.
h) Disorderly conduct – the power of suspending a member
guilty of obstructive or disorderly conduct during the continuance
of any current meeting shall be vested in a simple majority
vote of members present. If carried, the Chairperson shall
suspend the member for the remainder of the meeting or until
an apology is received. If the conduct for which the member
is being censured continues, the Chairperson will have the
authority to suspend or adjourn the meeting to some future
The rules of the Club may be amended, repealed or replaced
only by a motion carried by a majority of at least two thirds
of the members present at a General Meeting (in accordance
with Rule 8f).
a) A Show Manager, elected at the AGM, shall be responsible
for organising the National Show. She/he will be entitled
to serve on the National Committee. Other National Committee
members to help with the task if so requested. The cost of
National Shows to be borne by the National body. National
Show to be held annually on a centrally situated ground.
b) The Judge’s decision at the National Show, which
applies equally to Regional events, shall be final and binding
in all cases, as long as the Judge’s decision conforms
to the bye-laws laid down relating to the Breed Standard.
Judges to be given a copy of these bye-laws for their guidance
before judging commences.
c) All shows must comply with the JRTCGB show format as set
out for National, Regional and Affiliated shows dated 27-11-1994.
d) No person, other than the owner or the Judge, may handle
or pass an opinion on an animal once it has entered the ring,
except with the express permission of the owner.
e) The Judge/s for the National Show to be elected through
a membership ballot vote. Each region shall put forward to
the AGM its nominated judge, elected by its regional members,
and the National judge for the following year shall be chosen
in a majority ballot by the members present at the AGM. The
National Show Judge should not judge any regional shows, in
the year that he is judging, prior to the National Show.
a) Clubs requiring affiliation shall agree to adopt the Breed
Standard, the constitution, the byelaws and abide by the rules
of affiliation of The Jack Russell
Terrier Club of Great Britain. Clubs should satisfy
themselves that the Constitution, Byelaws and Rules of Affiliation
do not conflict with their own national laws. Affiliated clubs
should note carefully the “guidance notes for affiliated
clubs” in the rules for affiliation.
b) Affiliated clubs may send a non-voting delegate to be
present at National Committee meetings of JRTC of GB.
c) Clubs will be accepted for affiliation at the jurisdiction
of the National Committee. The affiliation may be terminated
by either party at any time.
d) It is not the policy of this club to form Overseas Regions
in countries where an affiliated Club in good standing already
e) It is not the policy of this Club to accept direct affiliation
from Overseas Clubs based in countries already having a parent
club in good standing and already affiliated.
Complaints concerning any aspect of a National or Regional
Show shall be forwarded in writing to the National Secretary
for adjudication by the National Committee (whose decision
shall be final) within 7 days of the occurrence. Such complaints
may not be voiced publicly at the time of the occurrence,
but only made to a member of the organising committee of the
Show concerned, whose duty it is to report it to the National
Secretary within the allotted 7 days. Such complaint by a
member to be accompanied by a fee of £5.00 which will
be returnable upon the complaint being substantiated by the
National Committee.
The Committee may from time to time make bye-laws not inconsistent
with these rules for governing the conduct of members and
the affairs and events of the Club. A copy of these bye-laws
to be made available to any member upon request.
A motion for winding up of the Club may be put to a Special
General Meeting called for this purpose by the National Secretary,
on behalf of the National Committee, giving reasonable notice
in writing to all members on the register. At such a meeting
a majority of three-quarters of the voting members shall be
required to carry the motion. In the event of such a meeting
being called, postal votes may be submitted and accepted providing
such votes are received 7 days prior to the date notified
of the meeting. All votes will be in accordance with clause
8 of the constitution. Upon the motion for the winding up
of the Club being carried by the stated majority, the assets
of the Club, after payment of debts and liabilities, shall
be devoted to a charitable purpose designated by the meeting.
All complaints and grievances with reference to the Club,
its members or activities, to be made in writing to the National
Secretary who will include them on the agenda for the next
meeting, Committee or General, as the nature of the complaint
demands. All such complaints or grievances not notified in
writing as above must be treated as hearsay and therefore
cannot be acted upon.
Signed on behalf of
Kevin Allen
Janet Bruten
GENERAL NOTE: It must be borne in mind that every Officer
of the Club must act legally, and nominees of the Club may
sue any Officer for fraud or dishonesty where evidence of
this comes to light. The Club will not be responsible for
illegal acts by Officers taken outside the scope of their
authority or instructions.